Bible Text: 1 Samuel 17 v 20-47 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates | Series: Battles Too big for his armour.
Bible Text: 1 Samuel Ch4 | Speaker: Eleanor Drysdale | Series: Battles On The Battlefield - Please Not the Philistines
Bible Text: Judges 20 v 1-36 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates | Series: Battles
Bible Text: Judges 7 v1-25 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates | Series: Battles
Bible Text: Joshua 7 v1-15 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates | Series: Battles
Bible Text: Joshua Ch 10 | Speaker: Jonathan Boyd | Series: Battles Lessons From the Battlefield.
Bible Text: Joshua 6 v 1-21 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates The Battle of Jericho
Bible Text: Exodus Ch14 v 6-28 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates | Series: Moses v Pharoh Moses V Pharoh
Bible Text: Genesis 14 v 11-24 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates | Series: Battles
Bible Text: Psalm 145 | Speaker: Rev Alistair Bates Easter Morning Service