Amos Kennedy in Dukana

Amos Kennedy in Dukana

Many of you will know Amos Kennedy who’s part of our church family here in Wellington.  For the next while, Amos is going to be living and working with an AIM missionary family from the USA in their proclamation of the gospel to the semi-nomadic Gabraa people. Eddie and Rachel Andersen have lived in a settlement called Dukana since 2008, which including the surrounding area numbers around 20,000 people.

Some of their main ways of communicating he gospel to the Gabraa people are through a radio tower and audio recordings of scripture into the language of the Gabraa, as well as a garage in which young men are trained to be mechanics.

Amos’ time will be spent teaching Christian Religious Education (CRE) in a few schools in Dukana, as well as being involved in a youth ministry that the Andersen’s hope to get off the ground. He’ll also be learning the language and getting involved in a few other things that Eddie and Rachel have going on in Dukana in ministry to the Gabraa.

Why not follow Amos’ journey by clicking the link below and adding your email address to receive updates from him.

South Africa Team – Stirling Holiday Bible Club

Hello Everyone,

We have just finished a fun-filled and hectic week at Stirling Holiday Bible Club in East London. On Monday the holiday club began and over 90 children arrived from the ages 5-13 and the club itself ran every morning from 8am-1pm with some children being collected in buses and others being dropped off by parents.

At holiday club the Wellington team, the youth helping from Stirling Presbyterian and Courtney and Steven all arrive at the church for 7am, which was definitely the earliest that some of us had been up since school ended. Each day we begin our mornings as a team with some breakfast and a meeting to discuss the format of the day and pray for what’s about to happen. Then we head outside for the kids arriving and spend some time playing games and chatting to them; the kids are always so energetic when they arrive and some of us have given more piggy backs and danced more this week than we have in our entire lives.


Once everyone has arrived, and hopefully burnt a bit of energy, we head into the church to begin our program which generally follows the format of an introduction, some worship and a talk following the theme of the week which was Superheros. The first Day Ben spoke on “what makes us a superhero” , on Tuesday Jack spoke about prayer, on Wednesday Rebecca explained how Jesus is the light of the world, Peter covered the Armour of God on Thursday and today Steven did the “Gospel in Colour” telling the children the story of the Gospel. They all listen very intently to the talk and when we teach them the memory verse of the week “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me – Philippians 4 v 13”. The kids have been really keen to show off how well they know the memory verse to the leaders all week which is really encouraging to see.



After this, the kids get a snack and we split into our four zones for the kids. These zones are games, craft (put together by Courtney), face painting/bouncy castle and small groups. The small groups gave us a chance to answer any questions that the kids had about God or the story and an opportunity to pray with them individually. We finish with some worship and they taught us a song called Bambalela.

After lunch (which was donated by members of Stirling Presbyterian) the kids go home and we have lunch ourselves and reflect on the day by discussing the positives and negatives as well as praying as a group.

All of the team have loved this experience so much and it has been so encouraging to see how much the kids have engaged with not just the fun and games but the worship talks and small groups too. So many of the kids have offered to pray which has been really filling us with joy. We are also so thankful  to Stirling Presbyterian for their hospitality for the opportunity to serve here.  We would also like to say thank you to everyone at home who has been continually praying for us as the week has run smoothly and we pray that God has used us and blessed our time this week.


Nikita in Nepal

Nikita in Nepal

After spending the last four years studying primary teaching, Nikita has set off for Nepal to help educate and support young children of missionary families from all over the world.

Follow Nikita’s journey as she blogs about her time in Kathmandu and pray for her as she serves God through her professional skills and applies her faith to life in a community that needs God.

No valley’s too low (Kathmandu), nor mountain too high (Everest) to escape the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord! This is such a special promise we can read in God’s word in Romans 8v39. 

Nikita George

Nikita’s blog is available at the link below –

Nikita in Nepal

Aimee’s Adventures

Aimee’s Adventures

As many of you may know by now God is sending me to Taipei in January to work with Envision. As a ministry of the C&MA, Envision identifies and develops future missional leaders who innovate, establish, and strengthen communities of faith in key urban environments. I will be working alongside them for 2 months and then flying to the Philippines to work with Helping Hands, Healing Hearts for 3 months. The ministry began in 2001 in response to the needs of sick Filipino children. As a volunteer I will be working with children in the Children’s Recovery Unit (CRU) and orphanage in Olongapo City.

I am beyond excited and scared at the same time but I know God is guiding me every step of the way… I will hopefully be uploading weekly posts and sharing how God is moving. Please remember me in your prays and if you’re considering supporting the ministries financially don’t hesitate to get in contact with me.


To follow Aimee’s journey, please click on the link to her blog below –

Aimee’s Adventures