Prayer Time Video
Every night at 9 p.m. (apart from Wednesdays) we will be posting a short video with points for prayer.
In the first of our videos, Victor shares some topics for us to pray for at this time.
Every night at 9 p.m. (apart from Wednesdays) we will be posting a short video with points for prayer.
In the first of our videos, Victor shares some topics for us to pray for at this time.
The spring edition of the Wellington Record is available to download via the link below.
The latest update regarding Covid 19 can be found from the link below:
The Christians in Sport Table Quiz that was due to be held on Saturday 21st at Eaton Park has been cancelled due to the on-going Coronavirus situation.
Due to the on-going Coronavirus situation, Andrew Peterson has cancelled the remainder of his UK Tour including the concert that was planned for Wellington on Tuesday 17th March 2020.
Wellington Presbyterian Church is delighted to welcome back Christian musician and song-writer Andrew Peterson for a night of music and storytelling on Tuesday 17th March at 7:30PM.
Tickets cost £10 per person paid on the door.
Visit our Facebook event page for more information.
The winter edition of the Wellington Record is available to download via the link below.
Wellington Record Winter Edition 2019
Hi everyone,
The Summer edition of the Wellington Record is available to download via the link below.
Welcome to the Christmas edition of our church magazine.
Over the past weeks I have been impressed by the skill and dedication of those who work in the medical profession. Having witnessed the workings of an Emergency Department, a Fractures Clinic, X-ray Departments, a Day Surgery Unit, an Operating Theatre (I don’t remember a lot about it!) and finally a Wrist Clinic. I was overwhelmed by the concern, care and attention I received. These workers spend long hours, meeting patients with conditions that range from fairly minor to those that are life changing and life threatening. But they always manage to act professionally, treating everyone with respect, dignity and even a degree of sympathy.
As I considered the dedication each had shown to their chosen profession and then started, rather painfully at times, to put together this magazine I was struck by the dedication and devotion of so many of our members in Wellington as they serve God. People who put Jesus first in their lives and themselves second.
I believe you will be challenged as you read these pages and I wonder will you consider where Jesus is in your life. Nigel Whann on page 23 says, ’The challenge each of us should consider is are we content to be merely consumers or are we willing to step forward and help’.
Are you a consumer or a helper??
May the peace and joy of Christmas live in your heart all year long.
Mervyn Orr, Editor