Prayer Time Video – Thursday 18th June

In this evening’s prayer video, John Goodrich shares with us about the COVID response in the NHS, and leaves us with a few prayer points for both staff and patients within healthcare at the moment.

Prayer Time Video – Tuesday 9th June

In this evening’s prayer video Norman Kennedy shares a little bit about the ongoing work of Bread in Kenya and encourages us to pray for all that is happening.

Prayer Time Video – Monday 8th June

In tonight’s video Mervyn Orr shares some verses from 2 Corinthians 4 and encourages us to pray for the whole team at Wellington, the church leadership and the many volunteers who work hard to mark sure that even though we’re scattered at the minute, we’re not inactive.

Prayer Time Video – Sunday 7th June

In tonight’s prayer time Geoff Marshall asks us to think about the power of words and encourages us to reflect on the words that we use in our own daily lives.

Prayer Time Video – Saturday 6th June

In today’s prayer video Alison Woodrow encourages us to be thinking about and praying for those who might be feeling especially lonely at this time.