Summer Prayer – 28 July 2021
Each Wednesday night throughout the summer, we’re hearing from some of our church family who have taken the time to record a video for us – sharing their stories, and inviting us to join with them in prayer.
It’s wonderful to hear this week from both Matthew and Mark who are currently training for ordained ministry within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Let’s join Mark and Matthew in praying for –
– Good rhythms of work and rest as they continue to serve and study as well as giving the time that they need to family, friends, and their own discipleship and refreshment.
– Godly wisdom as they both continue to teach, preach, visit and pastor the church families that they are serving with.
– The staff and leadership at Union Theological College as they navigate changing restrictions and new ways of learning.
Let’s also give thanks for the church families of Ballykeel Presbyterian Church, Buckna Presbyterian Church, and 1st Magherafelt Presbyterian Church as they welcome, journey with and serve alongside Matthew and Mark.
We also want to pray this week for Lee Eagleson and the important work that he’s involved with in Belfast.
Lee and the Trinity Church community are preparing to leave their building on Berry Street and move to Somerton Road with the hope that their new location will become a real hub for discipleship, mission, and the equipping of new leaders. They hope to see a network of leaders grow out of Somerton Road and begin to pioneer and plant new communities throughout the city. Let’s join Lee in praying for –
– The move to the new building. Pray for wisdom in how to organise it. Pray for finance to make necessary changes.
– New people. Musicians, technical people and people to work with children would be great additions. Pray for new communities leaders.
– Clear vision. Give thanks that Lee has been sensing God’s leading over the pandemic. Pray for boldness to articulate this and step into it. Thank God for wise counsellors who are helping crystallise this.
– A deepening relationship with the church family here in Wellington.
– Blossoms, a ministry helping mums in need. It has great potential but is still in its infancy. Pray for the pastoral role that is developing beyond the hamper and clothes given.
– The gift of the Holy Spirit and prayer. Pray for Lee and his community to step into their calling as missionaries and see people in their neighbourhoods and networks coming to faith.