Many of you will know Amos Kennedy who’s part of our church family here in Wellington. For the next while, Amos is going to be living and working with an AIM missionary family from the USA in their proclamation of the gospel to the semi-nomadic Gabraa people. Eddie and Rachel Andersen have lived in a settlement called Dukana since 2008, which including the surrounding area numbers around 20,000 people.
Some of their main ways of communicating he gospel to the Gabraa people are through a radio tower and audio recordings of scripture into the language of the Gabraa, as well as a garage in which young men are trained to be mechanics.
Amos’ time will be spent teaching Christian Religious Education (CRE) in a few schools in Dukana, as well as being involved in a youth ministry that the Andersen’s hope to get off the ground. He’ll also be learning the language and getting involved in a few other things that Eddie and Rachel have going on in Dukana in ministry to the Gabraa.
Why not follow Amos’ journey by clicking the link below and adding your email address to receive updates from him.